National Flag of India
India became independent from the British Empire and was able to raise its national flag of India on May 18, 1947. However, until 2002, the flag was allowed to be raised only on national holidays.
In 2005, the Indian government allowed the flag to be used as a dress, uniform or suit. However, it should not appear below the waist, in the form of underwear, a handkerchief, a pillow, etc.
The production, use and destruction of the national flag of India are also subject to regulations. It can only consist of handmade Khadi fabric and materials made of cotton, silk or wool.
There are even rules governing the hoisting of the Indian flag along with that of other countries. Thus, the Indian national flag always has a place of honor and this is the farthest right in the row. All foreign flags can or should all be the same size, but none may be larger than the Indian one. The Indian flag must always be raised first. And it should be lowered last.
The National Flag of India - the Indian wheel and the meaning
The national flag of India, also called Tiranga, consists of three equal-width stripes. At the top, the color is saffron yellow, in the middle-white, and at the bottom-green.
Saffron yellow stands for courage, white for truth and peace and the color green for faith, prosperity and loyalty. In the center on the white strip is a navy blue Charkha (wheel) with exactly 24 spokes. The 24 spokes are meant to represent the 24 hours of the day.
The wheel is actually a symbol of Buddha, but in Hinduism the image also occurs. Here it illustrates that eternally moving wheel, there is no beginning and end. Hindus believe in the eternity of the world, they arose infinitely many times.
Hindus believe in the eternity of the world, thinking that it has no beginning and no end, and that it has arisen infinitely many times. The symbol of the eternal cycle is the constantly moving wheel, which begins and ends again and again at the starting point.
History of the National Flag of India
The national flag of India was introduced as an unofficial flag by the Indian National Congress (INC) in 1921. The red color, which is absent in the national flag of India, which is official today, was supposed to symbolize Hinduism, the green color - Islam, and the white color, other minority religions.
Like the flag of Ireland, the white color can also be considered as a buffer between the two main religions in India, Hinduism and Islam.
Probably, the flag of Ireland even served as a model for the Indian flag, after all, at that time Ireland also fought for independence from the British Empire. The Charkha was already included in this first draft. The Charkha (wheel or spinning wheel) has always been considered a symbol of the desire for economic, and later also political independence.
The colors of the present the national flag of India were then adopted by Congress in 1931, the Charkha in the center was preserved. However, the religious significance of flowers was officially rejected.
Currently, the meaning of the colors is as follows-saffron yellow means courage, white means truth and peace, and green means faith, prosperity and loyalty.