How to Stop Hair Fall Naturally?
The sheer horror for many women - hair fall!
For this reason, women are desperately trying to find any remedy to stop the hair fall naturally.
First, do not panic. Hair fall for a person from 70 to 100 hairs per day is completely normal. In other words, if your hair gets stuck in the shower or in the hairbrush several times, it's not a reason to panic.
But, if you notice that more than 100 hair fall, you should watch this and seek medical advice if it does not get better.
Because, hair loss in women can have different causes, each of which may require qualified treatment.
What does hair fall mean?
One differentiates between three different types of hair fall, depending on which causes the hair loss to reason and where, or in what form, it occurs:
1. The circular hair fall (or alopecia areata)
Whether it's in the eyebrows or on the head - this can happen wherever the hair grows. This is a common occurrence in childhood and adulthood. It is believed that this is a disorder of the human immune system.
The cause of this special form of hair loss is an inflammation of the hair follicles, from which the hair grows out. The size of the bald spot varies greatly and depends on many factors. Some people lose only a small part, while others may lose almost all of their body hair.
2. Pattern alopecia (or also androgenetic alopecia)
The most common problem of hair fall in women is hereditary and genetic. Statistics show the following: every second woman's hair on the top of her head becomes lighter and sparser with age, so the scalp shines through them.
Androgenetic alopecia occurs especially in phases of life in which the hormonal balance of the woman changes. For example, many women suffer from pregnancy, discontinuation of birth control pills or menopause due to hair loss. The reason for this is a sinking hormones level:
After pregnancy
During pregnancy, the level of the hormone estrogen in the body of the expectant mother increases - and decreases after birth, which can lead to hair loss.
After discontinuing the pill
After taking the birth control pill for years, stopping the pill leads to a decrease in the estrogen content in the woman's blood. Hair fall can be a consequence of this hormonal change.
During menopause
During menopause, the general production of female sex hormones (estrogen and progestin) decreases, which proportionally increases the proportion of male sex hormones (androgens) in the woman's blood. For many women, this "imbalance" in the hormone balance causes hair fall.
3. Diffuse alopecia
In the case of a diffuse fall, the hair falls out not on one part of the head, but on different parts after a different period of time.
Diffuse alopecia can have many causes. From diseases (for example, disorders of the thyroid gland) to improper nutrition and stress.
It can only be stopped by certain treatments. An effective prevention from this disease is a balanced and proper nutrition and also the abandonment of extreme diets.
So, how to stop hair fall naturally?
- Ointment with Minoxidil
In many cases of hereditary hair fall, the drug minoxidil has been found to be an efficient solution. Although he can not treat the cause, Minoxidil helps fight the symptoms and stop the progression of hair fall.
Important: The first results are only visible after three months and sensitive scalp can react to the drug with skin irritations and allergies.
- An appropriate diet
The cause of hair loss can be monotonous and improper nutrition, for example, in the absence of meat, fish and eggs, or extreme diets.
Also, it is necessary to avoid iron deficiency. Products that contain a lot of iron and can help stop hair fall naturally, can be found here.
- The herbal solution
Many sufferers resort to herbal or household remedies to stop hair fall naturally and support their growth. Homeopathic remedies promise that certain herbal ingredients not only strengthen the hair, but also create the necessary conditions for the growth of new hair.
For example, preparations containing caffeine, taurine, millet extract or vitamin H (biotin) should help stop hair fall.
However, it must be said that this efficiency of these agents is controversial among many professionals.
- The right care
Even the best remedy for hair loss will not help if you do not follow a few basic rules. Above all, it is very important:
- Do not wash your hair too often: 2 to 3 times a week is enough.
- Do not use aggressive shampoos and prefer to use gentle products.
- Even not too hot styling with a hairdryer, perming and coloring can lead to an increase in hair loss and damage them.
- Hormone treatment
With increasing age, the number and size of hair roots decreases with women, which is inter alia related to the decrease in estrogen levels. The result: the hair becomes thinner and lighter.
Especially during menopause, appropriate hormone therapies can help stop hair fall.
Even if in some cases hormone therapy is necessary and useful, you should definitely consult your gynecologist.